Is This Building in Our Future?

As we look to the future, it is our strategic goal to find a permanent home for the Institute. We have had our eyes on an abandoned, historical landmark here in Jefferson City, which location would give us all the room we need to operate and provide for future growth. Further, it would give us the opportunity to provide a plethora of services to the Jefferson City community–at–large. The building is in major disrepair and would require a significant investment on the part of the Institute.

A little historical perspective may be appropriate here. According to an article written in Jefferson City’s News Tribune on December 4th, 2021, the original house was built in 1868 on a piece of property that had previously been home to a log cabin that served, briefly, as the Cole County Courthouse. Known as the Gordon–McMillan house, it was purchased in 1933 by Victor Rudolph and Gladys Emily Buescher and, according to the article, was “decrepit.” What an irony!

The Bueschers completed a massive renovation on the Italianate structure and subsequently operated a funeral business from the building. As the business grew, several additions were made to the existing edifice. After Victor and Gladys passed away, their two daughters took over the business. The business would shutter to a close in 2009. The building has remained unoccupied for many years. We believe this historical gem can be saved and become a significant feature of the Jefferson City landscape.

We are reminded of a prophecy that was pronounced over our previous ministry some years ago. It comes, in part, from the prophet Isaiah (NKJV, 58.12): “Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.” We claim and receive Isaiah’s prophecy as relevant to our current desire, which desire we yield to God’s.

However, we are not disillusioned! If God gives vision, he makes provision. We declare that we are not bound to anything! We must be in God’s perfect will. So, our prayer is to be perfectly aligned with what God desires for this ministry. Therefore, we seek God’s direction and guidance in our efforts to fulfill the goal of having a permanent location. Will you pray with us? While we may be praying for this desire to manifest, we make room to believe God for the equivalent or something better: God’s ideal. And, so it is!