The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc.

These are resources we continue to find relevant, appropriate, and timely in our efforts to foster the peaceful evolution and spiritual unfoldment of humankind.

  • Westar Institute—Pursuing honest and rigorous inquiry on the origins and cultural implications of the Christian tradition through critical, collaborative, and cumulative scholarship. Home of the Jesus Seminar, the Christ Seminar, the Christianity Seminar, and the God Seminar.

  • Unity—A global, inclusive, spiritual community that offers practical, uplifting resources to help people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles to their lives.

  • The Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL)—An international association of New Thought churches, centers, and study groups dedicated to spreading the abundant life teachings of Jesus the Christ.

  • The International New Thought Alliance (INTA)—Dedicated to the spiritual enlightenment and transformation of the individual and the world.

  • The School of Metaphysics—The Purpose of the School of Metaphysics is to accelerate the evolution of humanity by ushering in Intuitive, Spiritual Man.

  • Progressive Christianity—An open, intelligent, and collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and the life and teachings of Jesus that create pathways into an authentic and relevant religious experience.

    • Progressing Spirit—A leading outlet for an intelligent, inclusive, and pioneering exploration of today’s theological, spiritual, and social advancements.

  • Seat of the Soul Institute—Assisting people across the world in creating meaning and purpose, creativity and health, joy and love. We call this authentic power—the alignment of the personality with the soul.

  • Trans4mind—Helping one advance on an exciting path of holistic growth and wellbeing.

  • Christiane Wolf, M.D. (Mindfulness and Insight Meditation Teacher)—Living wide awake and with love. Learning to embrace the challenges along the way as they make us kinder and stronger.

  • patheos— is the premier online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality, and to explore and experience the world's beliefs.

  • Some New Thought Faith Communities