The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc.

The purpose of the Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to foster the peaceful evolution and spiritual unfoldment of humankind.

The mission of the Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to provide systematic learning opportunities—in the New Thought tradition—that inspire, deepen, and strengthen both intuitive knowledge and spiritual understanding in pragmatic, demonstrable ways.

The vision of The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to be a preeminent forum for the exchange of ideas relative to humankind’s advancement through the study of universal life principles.

The World’s Saviors

The following is an abridged list of the world’s saviors. It does not yet include the saviors of the aboriginal people of Australia or the indigenous people of the Americas, but it will. Also, we will add short descriptions of each savior so that comparisons can be made between and among them. You will be amazed at how much these sages have in common, and how their stories mimic one another. For example, many of these saviors were born of virgins, were conceived by a god, and lived very short lives. Many were considered sons of God. You will be moved by the universality of their lives regarding the principles each espoused. Whether legend or myth, there is much truth to be gleaned by this study. You decide! So, stay tuned!

  • Judea/Israel

    • Jeshua (Jesus)

  • India

    • Krishna

    • Gautama/Siddhartha/Buddha

    • Wittoba

    • Indra

  • Egypt

    • Osiris

    • Horus

    • Thoth/Hermes

  • Persia

    • Zoroaster

    • Mithra

  • Babylonia and Syria

    • Tammuz

    • Adonis

  • Phrygia

    • Attis

  • Greece

    • Apollonius

    • Orpheus

    • Hercules

    • Bacchus

    • Artemes

    • Hyacinth

    • Sandar

    • Aesculapius

    • Marsyas

    • Aratus


Vail, C. H. (1914). The World’s Saviors: Analogies in Their Lives Examined and Interpreted, A Study in Comparative Religions. New York: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Company. [Reprint by: Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing @]

Wikipedia contributors. (2023, June 15). The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:44, October 5, 2023, from

  • Mexico

    • Quetzalcoatl

    • Huetzilopochtli

  • China

    • Confucius

    • Tien

    • Laotsze

    • Yu

  • Arabia

    • Mohammed

  • Scandinavia

    • Baldar

    • Freyr

  • Rome

    • Prometheus

    • Augusta

  • Yucatan

    • Bacab

  • Ancient Ireland

    • Samheim

  • Tyre

    • Melkarth

  • Phoenicia

    • Marduk

  • Ancient Babylon

    • Bel Merodach