The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc.

Statement of Values

The purpose of The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. (The Institute) is to foster the peaceful evolution and spiritual unfoldment of humankind.

The mission of The Institute is to provide systematic learning opportunities—in the New Thought tradition—that inspire, deepen, and strengthen both intuitive knowledge and spiritual understanding in pragmatic, demonstrable ways.

The Institute aspires to be a preeminent forum for the exchange of ideas relative to humankind’s advancement through the study of universal life principles.

Charles Fillmore, the cofounder of Unity, defined it (Unity) as “a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ.” The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. (The Institute) is, too, such a link. The Institute, while being an incorporated body, is not an organization but rather a living, breathing organism. As such, there are things that are very important to us in terms of what lies at the heart of who we are and what we think and do. Therefore, we have established a set of principles that identify the things we value most.

  • We hear, are open and receptive to, and respective of the “still small voice” of Spirit.

  • We value Life as precious and honor it in all its forms and, as such, give due diligence to protecting and preserving it.

  • We are motivated by unconditional love in all we think, say, and do.

  • We value ministry as our abounded duty and with intentionality create an atmosphere of nurturing and support for each other.

  • We are all students of Truth and value life-long learning.

  • We honor humankind as diverse, having freewill agency, and affirm the freedom of all individuals as to their beliefs and lifestyles.

  • We are good stewards of the resources entrusted to us; honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of all our ministerial endeavors.