The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc.

What We Believe

The purpose of the Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to foster humankind’s peaceful evolution and spiritual unfoldment.

The mission of the Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to provide systematic learning opportunities—in the New Thought tradition—that inspire, deepen, and strengthen both intuitive knowledge and spiritual understanding in pragmatic, demonstrable ways.

The vision of The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. is to be a preeminent forum for the exchange of ideas relative to humankind’s advancement through the study of universal life principles.

Charles Fillmore, the cofounder of Unity, defined it (Unity) as “a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ.” The Institute for Studies in Practical Spirituality, Inc. (The ISPS) is, too, such a link. So, we share many beliefs from many sources. We have defined a few important ones in our works as a pragmatic organism.

  • Above all, we believe in the eternal Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Goodness of God (Being, Mind, Spirit, Universe, etc.) and that the Earthly manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven—within us—is here and now.

  • We believe that God manifests in the Earth realm primarily as Life, Love, Wisdom, Power, and Substance.

  • We believe in the Divinity of humankind, which was created in God's spiritual image and likeness. The Divine nature dwells within and expresses through each of us: we are spiritual beings, living in a spiritual universe, and governed by spiritual law.

  • We believe in the value and power of thought—our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experiences in daily living. This is the Law of Mind Action.

  • We believe in Practicing the Presence—living in the moment. In particular, prayer, meditation, study, quietness, and solitude contribute to a closer walk with God and thus benefactors of God’s benefits: healthy, happy, and prosperous lives.

  • We believe that learning to listen to the whispering of the “still small voice” within us ensures that we are guided into spiritual and thus manifest excellence.

  • We believe in the Law of Demonstration: our experiences are the reflections of our beliefs and, therefore, the keys—right thoughts, right words, right feelings, right actions, and right reactions—to successful living.

  • We believe in our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly: we have a right to change our minds.

  • We believe that the messages of Jeshua (Jesus) the Christ and other enlightened sages, as reinterpreted and modeled in practical ways, are relevant even today.

  • While we value all sacred writings, our primary textbooks are the Hebrew and Christian scriptures—which we interpret allegorically or metaphysically.

  • We believe that individuals everywhere are hungry for practical skills that show them how to fulfill the good desires of their hearts. We are confident that, with Spirit as teacher, anyone can learn how to overcome whatever would keep them from their highest good.